Teaching 2021
I'll be teaching the course Film Music at UiO Department of musicology, spring term 2021.
Past teaching
I'm an experienced teacher in the history of 20th century music and music technology. The seven lecture series have all been developed for the Department of Music, NTNU.1. History of classical music in the 20th century
7 lectures and 7 seminars, focusing on the history of classical music from Salome to L'amour de loin.Taught in 2016, 2017 and 2019, in versions for musicology students and music academy students.
2. History of film music
13 lectures and 4 seminars, focusing on the historical development of film music, from the silent era to Guardians of the Galaxy.Taught in 2017, 2018 and 2019.
3. History of musicals
13 lectures and 13 seminars, from minstrel shows and operetta, via Show Boat and Rodgers and Hammerstein, to Hamilton and Book of Mormon. Loads upon loads of fun!Taught in 2019.
4. Music technology in historical perspective
13 lectures on the history of music technology from both a technical and an aesthetic standpoint.The lectures have been gradually developed since I started lecturing in 2006. They have been taught in various shapes and forms at the musicology department in 2006–2012 (then as a three-lecture part of Musikk i mediealderen and it's related courses) and at the music technology department in 2006, 2014 and 2017. In the last version it was a fully developed course with 13 lectures and 10 practical assignments (including recreating parts of the score for Stockhausen's Studie II).
5. History of popular and recorded music
6 lectures on the history of popular music, with emphasis on the role of recording.Taught in 2013.
6. Arne Nordheim: Sound, aesthetics, context
13 lectures on the music of the composer Arne Nordheim, in an aesthetic and contextual light. The students are given an in-depth look into the corpus of a single composer, and learns a larger story about the history of 20th century music through this set of examples.Taught in 2012 and 2013.
7. Creative programming with Jitter for Max/MSP
3 lectures introducing the video extension Jitter, for students being familiar with Max/MSP.
Taught in 2006. I also gave a guest lecture on the topic for the course MUST2058 Lyd i offentlige rom. Dept. of Music, NTNU in 2012.
Chronological overview
Lecturer, Department of Music, NTNU
- 2019: MUSV3117: Musicals*, MUSV1012: History of music (20th century), MUSV2002: History of Film music*
- 2018: MUSV2002: History of Film music
- 2017: MUSV2002: History of Film music MUSV1012 and MUSP4114: History of music (20th century), MUSP4133 Musikkhistorie C
- 2017: MUST1058: Music Technology in Historical Perspective*
- 2016: MUSV1012 and MUSP4113: History of music (20th century)
- 2014: MUST1058 Music Technology in Historical Perspective
- 2013: MUSV2001 Music in the Loudspeaker Age*, MUSV3100 Arne Nordheim: sound, aesthetics, context*
- 2012: MUSC2001 Music and technology*, MUSV2018 Arne Nordheim: sound, aesthetics, context*
- 2011: MUSV1008 Music in the age of media
- 2010: MUSV1008 Music in the age of media
- 2009: MUSV1008 Music in the age of media
- 2008: MUSV1008 Music in the age of media
- 2007: MUSV1008 Music in the age of media
- 2006: MUST1017 Music, Technology and Creativity
- 2006: MUST1058 Music Technology in Historical Perspective
* = Course leader
- 2016: "Poetry and catastrophe in the electronic music of Arne Nordheim". Guest lecture at TU Wien.
- 2012: Guest lecture on IT-tools for musical analysis, MUSV3004 Musikkvitenskapelig teori og metode. Dept. of music, NTNU
- 2010-2011: One on one teaching of Max/MSP/Jitter for Music Technology master student, Department of Music, NTNU. Financed by NAV.
- 2006: Workshop group leader, Etterklang. FAROS/Department of Music, NTNU.
Teaching assistant
During my MA studies, I worked as teaching assistant on the following courses:
- 2005: EXFAC0002: Art, Media and Communication, Dept. of Art and Media Studies, NTNU.
- 2004: Music, Technology and Creativity, Dept. of Music, NTNU
- 2004: Form, function and industrialisation, Dept. of History and Classical Studies, NTNU
- 2003: EXFAC0002: Art, Media and Communication, Dept. of Art and Media Studies, NTNU.